Wednesday, September 29, 2010
"HUGO Good for you, good for the earth..."
In a constant search for the best products out there, I have found one that is very hard to compete with. HUGO Naturals. They make soaps, shampoos, conditioners, massage oils and more. Everything is hand crafted, hand made, organic, free of parabens, petroleum, animal fat, and cruelty free! They smell AMAZING, being scented only with essential oils. Each product is priced very reasonably for what you are getting. The four-year-old company was started and is still run by a married couple, who puts love in to the company that means so much to them. Try for yourself, everything they make is truly wonderful, and using it will make your beauty and self care rĂ©gime an enjoyable time of pampering! You can see a quick video of their “kitchen” and see them make the soaps and bath salts on the website: The Oatmeal Shea Butter Soap and Lotion has done wonders for my skin. The lotion can be used on both the body and the face, we are talking pure ingredients people! Great scents to choose from! Find it at your local health food/beauty store. Let me know what you think!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Coming Home
Coming Home We have all been in situations where we have felt uncomfortable. That feeling might have become poignant in a moment of being unwelcome in some way, or maybe just unfamiliar. Maybe pain was the reason to be uncomfortable, physical or emotional. Either way, we I believe we all yearn to feel as though we belong, that we are welcome, a feeling of goodness in the air surrounding. Often external forces in our lives can cause us to feel pain or uncomfortable, possibly affecting us slowly, so slowly we barley notice until it all hits a maximum. When I wake up in the morning I ask myself, “How do I feel?” I scan my physical body for pinches in the muscles or tight spots, my emotional state and my mental focus. I ask myself, “Do I feel at home?” Life’s seasons change and at times we are in a job we detest, we have a broken heart, we are in love, we are promoted, sometimes nearly catatonic with boredom, other times inspired and motivated. No matter the moment, I try to remember to be present, and to remember that my attitude, and perception of the matter is in my hands. With that said, we as humans are very powerful. He have choice. If a job, lifestyle, environment is causing us to be ill, or diseased in anyway, we have the power to make choices to change things. These actions can require patience to witness manifestation of said action and result. However, sometimes it can all happen quickly and dynamically. To me, the point and the goal is to accept it all for what it is, take the lessons that come along the way, and strive to be the best human I can be, no matter what; ultimately feeling truly at home in my own skin. I was reminded of these ideas this morning by my own beloved teacher, recharging me so, I feel it would be selfish to keep this reminder to myself, as a result, a simple reminder to you too.
Friday, July 30, 2010
To Be Pure, To Be Clean.
In the Sanskrit language there is a the word, Sauca; {sow.cha} meaning, to be pure, to be clean The Bible mentions Jesus washing feet and receiving a foot wash as not only a nightly ritual, but an act of loving service. Showers, baths, brushing teeth, steam rooms, Hydocolonics, cleansing diets, these are the cleansing rituals of our modern culture. Cleaning our selves is part of being a living being because everyday,we get dirty. In Yoga teachings, we learn that being clean is part of the Yogic path. It is just as revered as breathing and the Asanas (Yoga Postures), or study of scriptures. What gets us dirty is a lot. First there is the environment. Walking to the bank this morning 5-6 people blew cigarette smoke in my face, 2 trucks released big bouts of engine smoke in my path, and I walked by a car with a gas leak that was creating some major smell pollution. These experiences have an effect on the health of our bodies.
We also have the pollution of what we put in our own bodies. Our food choices, non organic foods, packaged foods full of preservatives, meats with hormones and the outcome of miserable, suffering animals, alcohol, pills, chemical sweeteners, the list could go on and on. Not even to mention the harmful chemicals in beauty products and household cleaning products and laundry detergents. Then there is the deeper layer of dirt. The emotional stuff. The anger, fear, hate, sorrow, loneliness. These emotions can be cleaned out too. We don't have to carry them around, nor the other poisons.
There are ways, practices and techniques to rid ourselves of these impurities. In light of my upcoming Detox Yoga Workshop on August 22nd at COIL, I will be writing about the reasons and solutions for these cleansings and fresh starts for our bodies and souls.
If you have any information to share, or questions to ask, please share them here on Blogger, or email me at: For now, lets take a cleansing breath, long and slow in the nose, push from your belly, out the mouth. Now that is a good start.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Meditation, this Station, Feel the Vibration
"Meditation allows you to carve out a relationship with the inner presence that is the deepest part of yourself. Eventually, you find that you can rest in that presence through the storms of life and so that everything you do comes from the awareness of who you are." ~Sally Kepmton Multi-tasking, scatter brained, anxious, lots of energy, restless. This would be a good description of me before I started making Yoga and meditation a part of my life. I would even get panic attacks and have a hard time sleeping. The meditation practice, I always thought, would come after I had being doing Yoga for a while, when I was ready. But what I learned was that if one is focused in a Yoga practice, they are also practicing meditation; the beginning of it. It starts out as a natural high, where your sense of reality is a bit altered, and you feel as though you are hovering over the floor. My thought is that it is this feeling that Sages refer to as "levitating." My husband says it is human nature for us to want to alter our state of mind, showing an explanation for the high volume use of drugs, pills and alcohol in this world. Maybe our archaic desire stems from our brains wanting to go to that place meditation takes you. I think our minds crave it, but we don't always know how to feed that, so we grab what is easy. Meditation and Yoga are not activities I would call "easy." They do get easier in time, but I think it is also human nature to seek challenges and want to grow and change. This is not true for everyone, but that is a whole other topic that I may go into another time. But what I am trying to say is that when it does get "easier" most students seek a new challenge or learn something new to try and master. I feel that if something comes easily, it most likely isn't worth too much. Think about if you have ever wanted something really badly, but you couldn't afford it. Maybe you worked extra, went with out other stuff, saved and saved, and then you were able to buy it for yourself. To me that is a much bigger reward than if someone were to just buy it for you. You know what I am saying? One of the main reasons Yoga and meditation are so divine, amazing, powerful, life changing, is because it come with challenges that you learn to overcome. Getting to that magical place in meditation when not one single thought enters your mind, you are sitting in peace; in the space you created in and around you that is out of this world. To me, is a time of sitting right in the lap of God. What an amazing moment to experience. If you have ever thought about trying meditation blended with Yoga, there is an opportunity coming tomorrow night! At COIL Yoga Studio in Fresno, Ca July 23rd 6:45-8:45 I hope you will come and try it out. You will be welcomed with love and gentle guiding. "Whether you are a Christian, a Buddhist, a Hindu, whether you belong to some other religion or to none at all, the source of meditation is always of a spiritual nature." ~Indra Devi
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Home Spa Cooling Trick
Today I have heard these words to describe the weather today, an oven, Hell, horrid, and as I have enjoyed saying lately, "hot as the dickens." Whatever that means. Yes, it is as Julia Childs would say, its "hotter than a stiff cock!" As I go about my day, repeating the mantra, "I am OK with being so hot," I smile to myself as I know the treat that awaits me at home. It is very simple, and I am going to share it with you so you can enjoy this sweet relief too. At a health foods store you can find essential oil of Peppermint. Buy it. It costs about $8. Take it home and splash it in your shower about 5 times, on the walls and the head and the door or curtain. Then, blast the hot water for a couple of seconds. Turn the water over to luke warm, and enter your naked, hot self. The Peppermint will now act as a cooling ,exhilarating personal air conditioner. Repeat as many times a day as needed and enjoy.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Farmer's Market = Fresh, Local, Money Saving AND Green!
It takes a little more planning to go to the Farmer's Market than it does to go to the grocery, but the benefits from this planning are many.
It is a lot of fun to go to the Farmer's Market. I love meeting the farmers who grow our food, talking to the keeper of the hens who lay our eggs. She tells me about the hen's home in the Avocado grove, and how the only food they eat are the veggies that didn't sell at the market. On Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons on Blackstone and Shaw there is a beautiful FM, located under a shady courtyard.
Central Fish Co. comes to this one, so you can get super fresh fish, right there at the market. See photo below of the Scallop dinner I made, all with things I got from the Farmer's Market. (Well, all but the Arborio actually).
There they have local honey,(which helps with allergies), and chocolate, and jams and pickles. Fresh squeezed Orange juice, flowers, coffee, and tons of fruits and veggies. If you live on the South end, like we do, Saturday mornings on Fulton and Joaquin, the Farmer's Market is large and so cheap! Everything is ripe and plump and local.
This is what is so wonderful about going to the Farmer's Market. You and your money are supporting local, you are bringing home the best for your family's diet, and saving money. Why anyone wouldn't go is beyond me. Maybe they just don't know about it. So, tell a friend and remember to bring your canvas bags or reuse the old bags from the grocery. Your trip to the market is also good for the environment. Using your own bags to recycle, reduce and reuse,plus you are helping to cut down on the fossil fuel it takes to deliver foods from other places. Wow, and you thought you were just buying dinner.
Find a Farmer's Market near you and make a difference for your budget, your family's health, and the Earth we share.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Ocean Cleans My Teeth
Have you ever read the ingredients on your toothpaste? For years, I had not, but I did know that I hated every toothpaste I used. Brushing my teeth was a horrid chore that I dreaded, due to the nasty taste and feel of toothpaste. After some investigation, I learned that the reasons for my dislike for toothpaste had a lot to do with what the bright blue paste was made from. Many mainstream toothpastes have harmful ingredients like detergents, synthetic fragrances, fluoride, Triclosan, and dyes. As humans we have choices, and if we don't want unnecessary ingredients, that could make us ill or plain just taste bad in our products, we don't have to blindly "consume." See these links for more info on harmful ingredients in toothpaste:
Speaking of choices, I would like to recommend the two pastes we use in our home. J/A/S/O/N Sea Fresh and Weleda Salt Toothpaste. Both can be found at Natural Health food stores like Whole Foods, Tower Health, Bee Alive, and Christina's (if you live in Fresno, Ca). Or at Good Earth Organic Market, if you live in Marin County. ;) My husband prefers the Sea Fresh, where I LOVE the Welda Salt. Both are really tasty, naturally. Both are free of fluoride, detergents, and neither are tested on animals. Which we like. Try them for yourself and let me know what you think! Brushing your teeth may become a fun and yummy part of your day, it has for me.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Yoga Pose of the Day -Child's Pose
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Sometimes the racket in my head is too much to handle. Last night I had a lot on my mind before bed and I felt restless. In moments like this, I take refuge in one of my favorite Yoga postures, Child's Pose.
This is a simple pose that you can try at home.
Why would one want to try it? Because just coming into this pose can free you from bothersome aspects of everyday life. For instance, taking deep breaths in Child's Pose for just 5 min. Can:
- stretch your hips, thighs, and ankles while lengthening the spine
- calm the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue
- help relieve back and neck pain
- comfort you when feeling overwhelmed
- lower your blood pressure
- help get rid of a head-ache
- free you from menstrual pain across the low back
Take slow, deep breaths, and focus your mind on that breath.
Try it and let me know how you feel, or if you have any questions.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Hummus For Health
Hummus is super easy to make and it is really good for you. It is full of protein, and Omega-3's which keep your heart healthy and your skin plump and glowing. You can make it easily in lots of different ways, and it costs hardly anything to do so.
If you buy hummus at the store, it is expensive and way too salty. This is the better way to go, and I will tell you how.
You will need:
Olive Oil, about 1/4 cup
1 clove Garlic
Can Organic Garbanzo Beans with the water
Juice from one Lemon
About 3 spoonfuls Tahini (you can find this at Fresh N' Easy or any "Hye" Market)
Sea Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper to taste
That is it! Your hummus will taste best after a few hours in the fridge, after the flavors have settled together.
You can sub the Garbanzo beans for Black Beans.
You can add roasted red peppers, basil, or anything else you would like. Get creative!
Eat with Pita bread, veggies, crackers, whatever you like.
Friday, June 25, 2010
A New York Yoga Experience
Maybe it was the challenge involved of getting through crowds, and dodging cabs to actually get to the yoga school. Maybe it was the heat and humidity of New York City, maybe it was the asanas, but my first class at Jivamukti Yoga School was the most challenging of my life thus far.
It was indeed intense. The teacher was a french man named Eddie, who studied directly under David Life. He has a good energy about him, and I felt I could trust his teachings and liked him right away.
The class started with Sanskrit chanting, which Eddie led with an accordion, a new experience for me, but what I gathered is standard for a Jivamukti class. This was followed by quick moving asanas, much quicker than I am used to, as a warm up. Then he began to go slower, holding the poses for ten breaths each. He covered everything from inversions so back bends. His adjustments were deliberate, yet gentle, taking me to such a deep place in the poses, I can barley explain with words. Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose is one of my more challenging poses, the adjustment he gave me there allowed me to feel light and bright in it.
The amount of sweat that poured out of me made the sweat of a Bikram Class seem like a mere glisten. I licked the salty drips off my lips, feeling clean and renewed on more than a physical level.
During meditation at the closing of class, the sound of honking and rushing of traffic coming from outside became a white noise. I sat, seeming to float over my mat, completely calm, yet totally exhilarated.
When I left I was still floating. In a daze I stepping out into the thick summer air and pulsing energy of the city. Quite a shift from the quite, cool School.
The first sound my ears absorbed was a woman shouting in anger to another woman,
“Do you want to get socked in the cunt?!” Wow, where am I? What is happening? I thought.
Here I was leaving this Holy, sacred place in the midst of the world as it can be, both mindful and unaware, beautiful and ugly, scary and safe.
I am still shaking and completely lifted, laughing and crying as I go over the experience with my husband, overwhelmed by joy and emotion and insight for both my Yoga practice and teaching.
How or why I can’t explain, but the main lesson I have learned from all of this is:
I now see how hard I am on myself as a woman, as a person and a Yogi. How much I “expect” from both myself and others, and how I could use a healthy dose of patience on every level. I saw how “tough” I have always tried to be, and how strong I expect myself, and others to be as well.
Be strong. What about being soft in a tough world? I know in my mind that God is my strength. I feel I need to bring that knowledge to my forebrain more, what will come of that, I can only observe and continue to learn.
If you are interested in learning what Jivamukti is see:
Monday, June 21, 2010
Save the Date! Moonlight Meditation/Yin Yoga Night
Did you know that science has found that meditation does wonders for mental health?
"Researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found evidence that meditation can alter the physical structure of our brains. Brain scans they conducted reveal that experienced meditators boasted increased thickness in parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input." sited from,
Meditation helps you to connect to your spirit. "Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening to God."
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Personally, my most profound spiritual moments have been during meditation.
It is also good for marriage. When done together, meditation can help you to connect to your partner on a deeper level. That connection can lead to better communication and a greater understanding for one another.
Meditation also teaches us how to be fully aware in a moment.
Have you ever found yourself sitting in front of your child, a friend, or your spouse, when they are telling you something, only for you to realize moments later that you have not heard a word they said? Wouldn't you like to be fully present in the moment that you are in? Having the ability to give your full attention to one thing at a time can result in better finished projects, conversations and daily tasks, like driving.
Meditating leaves you feeling calm, relaxed, and grounded. It can move you from a scattered and over stimulated mind, to one that is clear and collected.
What does it mean to meditate? Setting an allotted amount of time in your day to sit, be still and not "do" anything. Not think about anything, or talk to anyone, to be still. In our multi-tasking culture, you may have to think back to the last time you were still or present.
If you are interested in trying meditation out for yourself, your chance is on it's way!
Friday July 23rd, 2010 at COIL Yoga Studio at 6:45pm-8:45pm
I will be leading students through a series of soft Yoga postures that prepare the body for sitting comfortably. Followed by assisting students to set up a seat to meditate on, using blankets and bolsters, or if you prefer a chair. Once we are settled, I will star by guiding you through a meditation Then together we will sit in silence to basque in the stillness we create. The room will be lit by candles and free from distractions.
You will be joined by people new to meditation, and those who are experienced as well. Everyone is welcome.
Cost is $35 per person.
You can sign up at: by emailing the studio
email me at
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Eat Local, Buy Local, Go to Charlotte's Bakery!
If you live in or visit Fresno, then you need to know about Charlotte's Bakery. When I hear the bell ring as I swing open the heavy front door of Charlotte's Bakery, like Pavlov’s dogs I start to salivate. As I step in, I take a deep breath in and revel in the smell of fresh baked breads and cakes. I look around and see all the smiling people, who are happily chomping on their sandwiches and scones. As I walk up to the counter a lovely person with a warm smile is always there to greet me. Usually that person is a member of the family who started, owns and runs the place. Charlotte’s has lots of sun light coming in and it is always clean, so I feel comfortable while I wait for my breakfast or lunch. Although, even though there are always people there, the wait is never long. They also have outdoor seating, which is wonderful for enjoying the nice weather.
The best cupcakes in the entire Valley are at Charlotte’s, which was named after Susan’s mother. As I understand I it, Susan and her husband both bake everything, and they do it with plenty of love. Cupcake choices are different everyday but some of my favorites are Coconut, Mexican Chocolate, Raspberry, and Lavender Vanilla. (I had the Coconut one today, yum!) I love to ask Susan about her recipes and creations, and I think she also enjoys telling me about them. They also have different bread choices besides the wheat and white, like Kalamata Olive and Jalapeno. One of her son’s, Sam, works at the cash register with his pretty face and sweet disposition. The eldest son, whose name I don’t know, handles things going on in the back, along with his Dad. Because Charlotte's uses the best available ingredients, and makes each item fresh, with care and love, eating there is an experience that is special, and one to be cherished. In addition to sandwiches, Paninis, cupcakes and scones, cookies,you can also find breakfast cookies there that will keep you full until lunch, Moon Pies, Cannolies, soups, and cakes are also available. Plus, many of these options are gluten free and vegan, so you don’t feel like (or look) crap after you eat them. They also cater and deliver. Charlotte’s is owned by a nice, loving, local family, it has quality, fresh, healthy, delicious food, and going there is a wonderful experience. I am so thankful that this place is here for us to enjoy. I love leaving there knowing that not only is my health benefiting from my choice to eat there, but so is the town I live in. This is a beautiful example of sustainable food. Thank you Rocha family. I love you! Currently located at: 1292 N. Wishon Fresno, CA, 93728 Soon (by Aug/Sept) moving to: 609 Olive Open mon-sat 10-4pm
Thursday, June 17, 2010
What's the Big Deal With Yoga?
Recently, my cousin said to me, describing a woman he had met, "She was one of those yoga-crazed people." Of course I had to laugh. He is right, Yogis (students of Yoga) can be a little obsessive, even in love with their Yoga. I certainly am not excluded from that group. I remember my first Yoga class, it was at a small gym in Fresno, and although it was very challenging, it was love at first forward fold. To this day, almost 12 years later, Yoga and I are still honeymooners. Though, only 3 years a go did I incorporate Yoga a part of my daily life. I have seen myself overcome many physical, emotional, and mental challenges since applying Yoga daily. For example, I used to suffer from panic attacks, I used to be anxious, daily headaches, have trouble focusing, trouble getting to sleep, and tingly legs while lying in bed Now, every single one of these problems are of the past. Yoga is an ancient practice, carried over from the East. There are many different types of Yoga, each has a different main focus and a different outcome. Some classes are gentle and slow, others are sweaty and intense. Of course your teachers personality, training and style will influence your class, making each Yoga experience unique and interesting. Here are just a few benefits that come from doing Yoga:
Yoga gives you tools to reduce stress
lowers your blood pressure
helps you to to sleep quicker, and sleep deeper
greatly reduces back pain
creates flexibility
builds strength sooths the Central Nervous System
shifts blood flow, sending nutrients to internal organs,resulting in healthier skin, and brain
gives you the tools to remain calm in challenging situations
helps you to digest your food
detoxifies the body
Plus many more
Yoga brings you closer to your spirituality, closer to yourself, and teaches a love and connection to all living beings.
If you are thinking about trying Yoga for the first time, go to:
We offer Yoga Basics classes and Yoga for Beginners.
The way I see it, everyone deserves to feel good in their body. The body is a temple, a vessel to carry us through this adventure of life. If we take the time and the effort to care for it properly, it will take care of us back. Plus, it is a good day to try something new. It is a good day to do show yourself some love.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Spinach and Ricotta Stuffed Phyllo Wraps
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Nasal Cleansing for Better Health: Neti Pot
Breathing is the most important physical part of Yoga, even when you are not practicing Yoga, the breath is important since it is what keeps us alive!
Although, breathing can be more challenging than one may think. Whether the area you live in is dry and dusty, or urban and congested, breathing can be stifled by what is in our air. Many people suffer from Allergy symptoms, as well as Asthma and Bronchitis. Rather than taking expensive pills that may do you more harm than good, you can use a Neti Pot. However, even those who are perfectly healthy, could use a good nasal cleaning. When our breath flows easily we have less head aches, fewer colds, and we are better able to feel calm and relaxed.
The Neti Pot is a small, ceramic, long-nosed pot. It costs about $13.
You can find it at Yoga Studios, Drug Stores, I even saw them at Bed Bath and Beyond.
They are named from the Sanskrit word, Jala Neti which means- "water cleansing."
Above is a video of me using the Neti Pot and an image of the Neti Pot salt that we use in our house.
Be sure to spend extra time blowing your nose afterwards, and drying the nostrils with a towel or tissue.
The Neti pot is safe to use everyday. Simply fill your pot with LUKE WARM WATER and one spoon full of your Neti Salt (the spoon comes in the jar).
Start with a 5-second-count, then work your way up to a full pot on each nostril.
The benefits of using your Neti Pot are more than greater ease in breathing (as if that was not enough). Using your Neti Pot removes dirt, reducing sinus infections, moistens the nasal cavity, and mproves your eye sight, sense of smell, and hearing. Plus it makes increased breathing in a Yoga class much easier.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Spicy Summer-Garden Pasta Primavera
Summer is here and the garden is bursting! Squash, Eggplant and Basil were hand picked for this meal, although, even my Early Girl Tomatoes are not quite ready here in June. I got mine at Whole Foods, where I can find them Organic, maybe you have an organic Farmer's Market in your area.
Here is an easy way to use those veggies for tonight's dinner.
Spicy Summer-Garden Pasta Primavera
3-4 Squash of your choice sliced
2 Eggplants sliced
2 ripe Organic Tomatoes, chopped
1 Red Onion, chopped
1 Clove of Garlic, diced
1 splash of red wine
1/2 cup spicy roasted red peppers
(get them fresh at the Olive Bar in Whole Foods)
Small handful of Chili Pepper Flakes (for garnish)
1/4 cup water
Coat a large skillet with a quality Olive Oil, I use a local brand, which I will always encourage.
Add first the Onion, then the garlic, then the Squash, then Eggplant then the remaining ingredients. Watch your skillet and add each part after a few moments. You will be stirring occasionally. Once everything is added, cover over low heat for about 4 minuets. Then uncover and stir. You may add more wine/water if the sauce is too thick. If it is too thin, add some corn flour.
For the pasta I used a Spinach and Chive Linguine, but your favorite will work just fine.
Arrange on plate, top with Parmigiana(real, not the one in the green can,or any that have a bunch of ingredients known as preservatives. Get the mis-shappen block from the fine cheese area) and the Chili Pepper Flakes and MANGI!
Blog to Website to Facebook
The Internet helps us to connect, yoga helps us to connect, community helps us to connect.
Let's yolk the three here with me, Sarah Badorine as your willing guide. Many of my friends and students ask me about what I surround my life around; Yoga and living a healthy life. As a teacher it is important for me to guide my students in a natural, organic and positive way. That theme will continue here, all of your questions will be answered via these three strands: Facebook, my website and this blog.
Subscribe to this blog, and I will keep you in-the-know about Yoga, upcoming yoga events, meditation, natural health and beauty tips, amazing vegetarian recipes, what products are best for you and our Earth, what local businesses are up to concerning these subjects, and much, much more!
Thank you and Namaste'